Home ยป From sick kitten to healthy cat: Herman’s heart-wrenching journey

From sick kitten to healthy cat: Herman’s heart-wrenching journey

A heartwarming tale of a sick kitten’s road to recovery and transformation into a healthy and happy cat named Herman.

In today’s rescue story, meet Herman, a kitty who overcame significant health challenges in his early weeks of life.

Despite his tiny size and lack of a mother, Herman initially appeared to be in good health after arriving at Best Friends in Salt Lake City.

However, it wasn’t long before he needed emergency vet care to survive.

This is the heartwarming story of Herman’s journey from a sick kitten to a healthy and happy cat, and the importance of foster care for orphaned kittens like him.

A difficult diagnosis: Herman’s health challenges

Herman, a tiny flamepoint kitten with blue eyes, was brought to Best Friends in Salt Lake City from a nearby shelter as an orphan when he was just four weeks old and barely weighed a pound.

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He seemed healthy at first, but after going to a foster home, he was back at the clinic with a stuffed up and goopy nose, and a big, round, and firm belly.

Dr. Megan McCarthy found that he was obstipated, which meant he couldn’t go to the bathroom, and that was an emergency.

Emergency vet care saves the day

The doctor on hand, sedated Herman, cleared out the blockage, and sent him back to his foster home with medication, prescription food, and instructions to monitor him closely.

Herman recovered and made a full recovery with diligent feeding, monitoring, and medication. By the time he was due for his next checkup, Herman was looking and feeling great. He received a clean bill of health from Dr. Megan and got the green light to play with other kitties in his foster home.

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Herman recovers and finds a forever home

Eventually, Herman was big enough to be neutered and adopted into a new homeย ! Our feline friend is now a lanky, healthy, and happy kitten. Despite his tenuous start to life, Herman overcame a big problem and is now thriving in his new home.

We hope you enjoyed reading about Herman’s journey from a sick kitten to a healthy and happy cat.

If you found this story inspiring, please share it on social media to spread awareness about the importance of foster care for orphaned kittens. We also invite you to share your own stories and views with us through our contact form.

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Thank you for reading!


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Mertie Boyle
Written by: Mertie Boyle
Mertie is an expert in personality psychology, and their insightful tests help our readers better understand themselves and their furry friends. Their work has been praised for its accuracy, sensitivity, and ability to spark meaningful conversations.