Home ยป How do I teach my puppy to walk on a leash?

How do I teach my puppy to walk on a leash?

Pick the Right Leash and Collar

The first step in teaching your adorable puppy to walk on a leash is to choose the correct leash and collar. For puppies, a regular lightweight nylon or leather leash is perfect, complemented by a flat collar.

Steps to Introduce the Collar and Leash

Start by allowing your puppy to get used to wearing a collar. Once they feel comfortable:
1. Attach the leash to the collar while theyโ€™re in a controlled, quiet environment.
2. Allow them to drag it around behind them, under your watch to prevent them from getting tangled.
3. Occasionally pick up the leash and follow your puppy around the house.

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The Lure and Reward Training Technique

One of the most effective methods to teach your puppy to walk on a leash is the ‘lure and reward’ training technique. To do this:
1. Hold a treat in your hand and let your puppy see and sniff it.
2. Walk a few steps away and call your puppy’s name. If he follows, provide the treat and praise him.
3. Repeat these steps, gradually increasing the distance.
Remember to always reward your puppy for staying near you or checking in.

Gentle Corrections to Help the Puppy Understand

At times, your puppy will get distracted and pull on the leash. Gentle corrections can help them understand their responsibilities on a leash. If your puppy starts to pull:
1. Stand still and don’t pull back.
2. Wait until your puppy loosens the tension on the leash.
3. Once the leash is loose, continue your walk and reward your pup for walking nicely.

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The All-important Consistency

When learning how to walk on a leash, your puppy needs consistent messaging about what’s expected of them. Make sure to practice regularly and keep the training sessions short.

Common Troubles and Solutions

Some common problems in leash training a puppy includes reluctance to move or constant pulling. Give him time to get used to the leash. Use treats to motivate him to move. If the puppy pulls on the leash, stop and correct the behavior immediately.

FAQs to Nail Leash Training

Q: How long does it take to leash train a puppy?
A: It varies from one puppy to another. Some puppies will quickly learn to walk on a leash, while others may take a few weeks.
Q: My puppy wonโ€™t move when I put the leash on. What do I do?
A: Start by making sure the collar and leash are comfortable. Use treats to motivate your puppy to move.
Q: My puppy keeps biting the leash. How can I stop this?
A: Divert your pupโ€™s attention away from the leash with toys or treats. You can also consider a chew-proof leash.
Remember walking your puppy on a leash is a journey, not an event. Enjoy each step and before you know it, your puppy will be walking on a leash like a pro! And donโ€™t forget to give your fluffy friend lots of praises and rewards. They certainly deserve it.

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Written by: Charlotte
Hello, I'm Charlotte, a 28-year-old writer and animal lover. I'm passionate about writing and animals, so I decided to become a web content writer to combine my two interests. Welcome to my website!