Home ยป My dog is vomiting more and more. Should I be worried?

My dog is vomiting more and more. Should I be worried?

Common Causes of Dog Vomiting

Vomiting in dogs is often due to a simple stomach upset. It can be caused by them eating something inappropriate, such as human food not suitable for their digestion. However, it can also be due to more severe concerns that require veterinary attention. Here are some common causes:

  • Eating too quickly – This can upset a dog’s stomach causing them to vomit their food back up.
  • Dietary indiscretion – Dogs can have issues digesting certain types of human food, plants or even trash, which can lead to vomiting.
  • Gastroenteritis – This is inflammation of the stomach and intestines, usually due to an infection or ingestion of spoiled food.
  • Pancreatitis – Vomiting can be a sign that your dog has developed inflammation in their pancreas. This often occurs if a dog has eaten a fatty meal.
  • Parasites – Internal parasites such as worms can trigger vomiting in dogs.
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When to See a Vet?

If your dog’s vomiting is isolated and they seem otherwise healthy, you might not need to rush to the vet immediately. However, recurring vomiting is a reason for concern and needs immediate attention. Here’s when you should seek veterinary help:

  • Your dog is vomiting repeatedly or cannot hold down any food.
  • There’s blood in their vomit.
  • Your dog has additional symptoms, such as appears lethargic, has a bloated abdomen, or diarrhoea.

Preventing Dog Vomiting

While not all cases of vomiting can be prevented, some steps can help keep your dog’s digestive system healthy:

  • Feed your dog a balanced diet suitable for their breed and age.
  • Ensure your dog doesn’t get access to the trash or food leftovers.
  • Regular deworming can help keep internal parasites at bay.
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Dealing with Frequent Vomiting

If your dog is frequently vomiting, your vet may recommend a change in diet, medication or even surgery in severe cases. It’s essential to follow any advice offered by your vet carefully.


Q: Can I give my dog medicine for vomiting?
A: It’s crucial to consult with a vet before giving your dog any medication. The wrong medication or dosage can worsen the problem.
Q: How can I tell the difference between vomiting and regurgitation?
A: Regurgitation happens immediately after eating and is typically undigested food coming back up, whereas vomiting typically involves retching and is often mixed with bile.
Q: Are puppies more prone to vomiting?
A: Puppies can be more prone to vomiting due to their curious nature and tendency to explore their environment with their mouth. If your puppy is vomiting, you should see a vet as they can dehydrate quickly.
Remember, your dog’s health and well-being is your priority. Regular check-ups and prompt attention to changes in behavior or symptoms like vomiting can help your dog lead a happier, healthier life.

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Written by: Charlotte
Hello, I'm Charlotte, a 28-year-old writer and animal lover. I'm passionate about writing and animals, so I decided to become a web content writer to combine my two interests. Welcome to my website!