Home ยป Test your IQ with this tricky crack the code animal brain teaser in just 10 seconds!

Test your IQ with this tricky crack the code animal brain teaser in just 10 seconds!

Hey there, animal code breaker! Ready to take on the challenge? See if you can crack the animal code and discover the secret message hidden within!

Are you ready to crack the code and put your brain power to the test?

Brain teasers are a great way to exercise your mental muscles and can help to improve your problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Today’s animal brain teaser is sure to give your grey matter a thorough workout.

In this challenge, you will be presented with a picture of four animals, each with a numerical value assigned.

Your goal is to use the values of the animals in the picture to work out the missing answer in the calculation at the end.

So, are you up for the challenge? Let’s get started!

(c) cramcvet

Rules to follow to solve the challenge

The challenge requires you to be attentive and focus on the task at hand.

It is a medium-hard difficulty level puzzle.

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To solve it, you must carefully observe the number and type of animals displayed in each line of the equation.

Each creature holds a numeric value that will allow you to come to the final conclusion.

Once you have calculated the total of each line, you can then find the missing value by comparing the result with what should be in its place.

Only those with a higher degree of mental capacity, intelligence, or genius can crack the animal code in 10 seconds. Are you one of them? Prove it by taking up the challenge and showing us what you can do.

Have you figured out the animal code yet? Let’s see if you managed to avoid the traps below… Ready?

Cracking the code

Playing a code breaking game can help to develop problem solving and logic skills.

It can also be a fun way to spend some of your free time. You can challenge yourself with puzzles that range in difficulty from easy to hard.

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There are even online versions of these games that you can play with friends and family.

By playing these games, you may even become a better problem solver in your everyday life.

If you’re stuck on the break code game of the day, why not take a look at the solution?

(c) cramcvet

You can check out the solution whenever you need help to get back on track and continue playing.

Give it a try and see how much progress you can make!

Animal challenge solved

We’ve been waiting for it all day!

It’s finally time to reveal the solution to the animal challenge. Can you guess what it is?

We know you’ve been trying your best to figure it out, so give yourself a pat on the back for trying!
It’s time to find out the code of the day – can you spot it in the picture?

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It’s not easy, but if you look closely, you’ll see it! If you were able to find it in less than 10 seconds, then congratulations – you’re a pro!

The answer to the equation is 40.

(c) cramcvet

4 x (4 x 4) = 64

4 + (7 x 3) = 25

11- 3 + 8 =16

20 – 3 + 11 = 28

? = 2 x 20 = 40

Why not challenge your friends and family to do the test too? Share this article on social media and see who can get the best result!

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Jonatan Erdman
Written by: Jonatan Erdman
With years of experience in the puzzle-making game, Jonatan has an intuitive sense of what makes for great brain-teasers. Their work has been featured on numerous websites and publications, showcasing their ability to create content thatโ€™s both entertaining and educational.