Home ยป Ttest your IQ with this tricky crack the code animal brain teaser in just 8 seconds!

Ttest your IQ with this tricky crack the code animal brain teaser in just 8 seconds!

See if you can crack the animal code! it’s a fun challenge that will test your knowledge of animals – why not give it a try?

Welcome to the animal brain teaser of the day! Put your problem-solving skills to the test and crack the code with this fun challenge. Brain teasers are a great way to engage your mind and boost your creativity. We all know that keeping our minds active is important for our mental health, so why not give it a try?

This brain teaser is all about using values assigned to animals in the image and completing the calculation at the end. To get the answer, you’ll need to use your mathematical skills and logical thinking.

Can you figure out the missing answer? Give it a shot and find out!

Rules to follow to solve the challenge

To successfully complete this challenge, one must carefully inspect and concentrate on the equation presented. Each line of the equation contains a certain number of animals, each referring to a specific numerical value.

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By adding these numerical values together, one will be able to calculate the missing value.

It is important to note that this challenge is of medium-high difficulty level. Therefore, it is imperative that one pays close attention to the details and spends ample time analyzing the equation.


You may think it is impossible to crack the animal code in 8 seconds, but only those with high skills, big IQs and geniuses can manage it. Are you up to the challenge?

Are you ready to challenge your logical mind? To find the right code in the puzzle of the day? Developing your logical thinking skills is a must in order to succeed. Training your brain can help you understand things more clearly, it can help you make decisions faster and it can help you spot patterns easier.

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(c) cramcvet

Logical thinking and problem-solving require patience, practice and dedication. So take on the challenge of the puzzle of the day and practice your logical mind! Your brain will thank you for it.

Remember, logical thinking and problem-solving become easier with practice. Train your brain today, so that tomorrow you can become a master of puzzles!

So, have you cracked the animal code yet? Are you sure you’ve managed to avoid all the traps? I’m so excited to find out! Let’s see if your answer is correct…

Benefits of playing break the code games

Playing break the code games is a great way to sharpen your problem solving skills. It helps develop your logical thinking, pattern recognition, and visual processing abilities. Additionally, it allows for a fun and engaging way to exercise your cognitive skills.

These types of games can also be a great way to spend time with friends and family. Working together to solve puzzles is a great way to bond, learn new skills, and bring people closer together.

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So why not give break the code games a try? You never know what you might learn!

Check the solution to today’s break the code game

Are you ready to crack the code? To solve this tricky equation, let’s have a look at the picture and see what it tells us.

Well done, if you were able to figure it out!ย  The answer to the equation is 118.

(c) cramcvet

Congratulations if you found the answer in less than 10 seconds. Now that you know the code of the day, let’s reveal the answer to the working out:



5+ (5×9)=50


Why not challenge your friends and family? Share this article on social networks and see who gets the highest score! Test your knowledge and prove you’re the master of trivia. Can you beat them? Let the battle commence.

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Jonatan Erdman
Written by: Jonatan Erdman
With years of experience in the puzzle-making game, Jonatan has an intuitive sense of what makes for great brain-teasers. Their work has been featured on numerous websites and publications, showcasing their ability to create content thatโ€™s both entertaining and educational.